Here, Galileo took this crude device with ... to overcome the problem of chromatic aberration: the invention of the reflecting telescope described by James Gregory and built in a different form ...
Making the far near The invention that set the stage for the ... "objective" lens—the convex lens at the far end of the telescope—Galileo ground a lens larger than he needed, for example.
Instead, they offered him payment in exchange for developing a binocular form of his invention. Shortly after he began ...
Galileo's telescope allowed him to magnify the planets ... The success of radio astronomy—due in large part to the invention of the transistor in 1947—encouraged scientists to look for ...
3 min read The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to free astronomers of a limitation that has plagued them since the days of Galileo—Earth's atmosphere. Shifting air pockets in the atmosphere ...
The virgin and the telescope: the moons of Cigoli and Galileo Sara Booth and Albert van ... Replication or monopoly? The economies of invention and discovery in Galileo's observations of 1610 Mario ...