Scientists have pinpointed thousands of genetic changes in a gene that may increase a person's risk of developing breast and ...
To date, more than 600 genes are known to cause tumors when their sequences are spoiled by a mutation. Yet there are other ...
Since many kinds of wildlife have started living in urban environments, urban environments have been recognized as places of ...
Chromatin is a structure in the cell nucleus that helps pack DNA tightly by wrapping it around proteins called histones.
Review highlights the growing evidence that aging is linked to reduced expression of long genes, offering insights into ...
Research successes are driving gene therapy for inherited deafness to the clinic, but commercialization efforts are needed to ...
Researchers discovered the crystal structure of an alternative DNA configuration within the insulin gene, providing insights ...
Scientists revealed how gene regulation and chromatin control cells, improving disease treatments, including cancer and ...
Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) have identified 813 possible cancer driver genes, significantly ...
The first crystal structure of an alternative DNA shape from the insulin gene has been revealed by a UCL-led research team.
《医疗领域开放通知》允许外商投资企业以“用于产品注册上市和生产”为目的从事人体干细胞、基因诊断与治疗技术开发和技术应用,对于仅提供资金支持研究者发起CGT临床试验(IIT)的外资企业而言,仍需谨慎应对潜在的合规挑战。外资企业需要重点关注如何界定其资助行为,在资助协议中明确界定各方责任和权限。同时,企业还需要建立有效的机制,确保被资助的研究项目严格遵守中国的人类遗传资源管理、个人信息保护和数据安全法 ...