Alfred, the science app, mishears her suggestion and looks for information on glow-in-the-dark cats. Alfred explains the procedures involved in genetic engineering. Enzymes can be used to remove glow ...
Gene sequence could be implanted with electrodes to make neurons larger and easier to ‘read’ in quest for better mind control ...
The convergence of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence brings both the potential to revolutionize medicine and ...
Researchers develop methods to detect previously known mutations in gene-edited plants and make steps towards distinguishing ...
近年来,已有数十款细胞和基因疗法获批上市,仅仅今年就有17款细胞和基因疗法在美国和欧洲获批。当我们把目光聚焦在这些上市的细胞和基因疗法的销售额时,就会发现,其中的两极分化非常严重,销售额最高的Yescarta (一款CAR-T细胞疗法) 在2023年销售额超过15亿美元,但还有一些疗法在2023年销售额仅仅百万美元级别。
Genetic modification in horticultural crops, particularly within the Cucurbitaceae family, is often hindered by complex ...
The Global Genetic Engineering Market Size was Valued at USD 1.35 Billion in 2023 and the Worldwide Genetic Engineering Market Size is Expected to Reach USD 8.95 Billion by 2033, according to a ...
Hemp-derived CBD shows promise as a natural insecticide against mosquito larvae, offering a sustainable solution to combat ...
Tomatoes, a staple crop worldwide, are increasingly threatened by biotic stressors such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria, with ...
In a region known for hosting some of the earliest evidence of modern humans, DNA analysis was sparse. Until now.
The Scripps technique could be used to re-engineer existing proteins—or create entirely new ones—that have utility in a range ...