Are there any German cars that cost less than the average price of a new vehicle? If you shop for used German cars, these ten ...
Here are nine reliable and resilient used German car models that experts recommend buying ... The C-Class sedan is one of the ...
Germany's Social Democrats plan to introduce a "Made in Germany" premium in the next government to boost investment in Europe ...
Germany's Social Democrats propose a 'Made in Germany' premium to boost investment through a 10% tax refund on equipment. The ...
The Beetle is a classic German car but it was first produced by the British after World War Two. By 1955, one million of them had been made. Volkswagen sold more abroad than at home and the car ...
Tesla will deliver its first 30 German-made Model Y Performance cars on Tuesday. The firm says the cars have a 514km (320 mile) range and cost €63,990 (£53,000). At full capacity, the plant ...