Nexus One is Google's first Nexus device. This tech giant has partnered up with HTC, a Taiwanese company who manufactured the Nexus One. This is first and foremost a developer device, a pioneer of ...
Now that the Nexus One came out I decided to give it a try and I have to say I am very happy I got this phone. I no longer use my iTouch and love the fact that everything works as it should ...
之前我琢磨过一款名叫Nexus 5X的洋垃圾手机,立刻就想到HTC当年代工的Nexus One,后来忍不住去小黄鱼搜了一下HTC关键词,结果发现了一个当年价格很贵、现在价格很贱的平板电脑,算是安卓平板的“祖师爷”了。 这个安卓平板叫HTC Flyer Tab,型号对应P512,是2011年的产物,如今居然还有全新全套。当时的HTC在安卓领域还是如日中天,而2010年苹果发布了第一代iPad,作为安 ...