Researchers from a semiconductor company TeraXion, Canada have introduced high-power configurations for the LXM (laser xtra ...
Imagine placing an object under a microscope and pressing a button to rearrange the surface atoms with atomic-scale precision ...
“Our laser method provides atomic-level control over diamond surfaces in a standard air environment,” commented lead ...
Scientists made a major advancement in X-ray science by creating high-power attosecond hard X-ray pulses with megahertz ...
LASEA was also involved in an earlier EU-funded research initiative called LAMPAS that developed a high-power USP laser ...
Researchers have made a significant breakthrough by observing how light can block other light, creating a visible shadow.
Can light cast a shadow? It sounds like a tricky riddle, but researchers have shown that, under special conditions, a laser ...
SemiNex Corporation, a manufacturer of high-power semiconductor laser diodes and optical amplifiers, has won Gold Honoree in ...
Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC) (NASDAQ: LASE), a leading global industrial developer of laser systems for cleaning and ...
A research team at European XFEL and DESY has achieved a major advance in X-ray science by generating unprecedented ...
A New York teen lost vision in his left eye moments after powering up a "defectively designed," Chinese-made laser pointer he ...