Histones are a family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. Nuclear DNA does not appear in free linear strands; it is highly condensed and ...
It is crucial for organisms to be able to control which genes are expressed in which cells and when. Naturally occurring chemical modifications of DNA-binding histone proteins are believed to play an ...
An article by UAB professor Joan-Ramon Daban analyzes in depth the physical problems associated with DNA packaging that have ...
New therapeutic opportunities often emerge from research on simple organisms. For instance, the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ...
Study connects the swip-10 gene in roundworms to copper metabolism and neurodegeneration. Loss of swip-10 impairs copper ...
A new article analyzes in depth the physical problems associated with DNA packaging that have often been neglected in structural models of chromosomes. The study demonstrates that the multilaminar ...
Scientists discovered a link between copper regulation and neurodegeneration, using the worm gene swip-10. Their findings suggest that restoring copper balance could offer new treatments for disorders ...
Perhaps the most interesting and well-studied target of these additions and subtractions lies within the bustling nucleus, ...
Changing nutrient environments challenge cells as they affect both protein biosynthesis and cell cycle length. This work ...
Chromatin is a structure in the cell nucleus that helps pack DNA tightly by wrapping it around proteins called histones.
One of the most fascinating discoveries in biology is that cells have mechanisms for dynamically regulating genetic ...
These attendant proteins bind to histones and nucleosomal DNA, and their binding to these molecules is affected by the histone modification state. The modification state helps determine whether ...