Today Melissa looks at Huawei's MateBook X Pro laptop. It's the 2018 model, and while there is a newer version out now, we thought it would be worth a look as it's currently on sale with a decent ...
If you’re on a budget then this Huawei Matebook X Pro (2022) review won’t be for you, but if you’re after a premium PC with tonnes of style and plenty of substance, then you’re in the ...
Huawei is the world's third largest smartphone manufacturer, and now the Chinese company has turned its attention to making laptops. Its first attempt, the Matebook X is rather excellent ...
including Huawei itself and its MateBook X Pro. If you don't plug your laptop into a desk workstation, then the MateBook 13 might be a great laptop for you. But I don't wholeheartedly recommend it.
在智能设备不断发展的背景下,华为于2024年推出了其最新款笔记本电脑——MateBook X Pro 2024。凭借革命性的设计和卓越的性能,MateBook X Pro 2024成为了现代办公和娱乐生活中不可或缺的伙伴。它搭载了最新的第13代Intel Core处理器,能够满足高强度使用场景的需求,让用户在办公开会、文档处理或高端游戏时都能保持流畅体验。
近日,华为在全球发布了其最新款笔记本电脑——MateBook X Pro 2024。这款设备以超轻便的设计和强大的硬件配置再次引发了市场的广泛关注。搭载最新的第十三代Intel处理器,MateBook X Pro 2024不仅具备出色的处理能力,更在散热和能效方面进行了重大改进。在轻薄机身中融入了高达32GB的RAM和1TB的SSD存储,使得这款设备无论是工作还是娱乐都能应对自如。
华为近期推出了其最新款笔记本电脑——MateBook X Pro 2024。这款设备凭借其优雅的设计与强大的性能吸引了众多消费者的关注。MateBook X Pro 2024的发布正值全球对高效智能设备需求日益增加之际,将在激烈的市场竞争中展现出色的表现。作为华为的旗舰产品之一,它不仅将经典特性进行了升级,还融入了诸多创新技术,力求为用户提供更卓越的使用体验。 这款笔记本电脑的首要卖点之一是其14 ...
【中关村在线山东行情】华为MateBook X Pro 酷睿 Ultra 微绒典藏版笔记本电脑,近日在商家“山东华为服务商”特价促销,优惠价为14899元,好物好价,值得您入手!华为MateBook X Pro 酷睿 Ultra 微绒 ...
2024款MateBook X Pro采用全新飞跃线设计 ... 420米超远距离连接。 配备HUAWEI SOUND 4麦克风,5米拾音,360°全方位收声。支持智能音幕功能,隔绝周围 ...
If you're looking for a Christmas or New Year's present for a loved one, then Huawei's PC, wearable and tablet bundles are a ...