set_output_delay -clock "i2c_scl_clk" -add_delay -min [expr (60 + 12) * -1] [get_ports SDA] -clock_fall [expr (60 + 12) * -1] 60 à (0.5 * SCL tr) contribution critical case à (0.5 * 120) 12 à SDA tr à ...
The best part of I2C is that it is a bus that is available just about anywhere, covering a vast ecosystem of devices that offer it as a hardware-defined interface, while being uncomplicated enough ...
Hooking up I2C sensors is something which is generally associated with microcontrollers and SBCs, yet it’s very easy to use such I2C sensors from basically any system that runs Linux.
Delivers the flexible, multiple-peripherals simplicity of I2C and the faster, lower-latency communication of SPI in a single, efficient, easier-to-use IP core Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey — September 5, ...