研究团队首次成功建立了大熊猫iPSC重编程方法,将从大熊猫身上提取的普通皮肤细胞(皮肤成纤维细胞)重编程为 干细胞 ...
2022年,北京大学邓宏魁教授首次实现了完全利用化学小分子诱导人类体细胞转变为多能干细胞——化学诱导多能干细胞(CiPSC)【2】。传统的iPSC是通过在体细胞中过表达转录因子而产生的,而CiPSC的产生则采用了非生物的、小分子化学物质作为重编程因子 ...
The studies are among a handful of pioneering trials using stem cells to treat diabetes, which affects close to half a ...
A team of biologists in China has reprogrammed skin cells from giant pandas into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), ...
With giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) a beloved, but vulnerable species, scientists have long been searching for ...
这项研究是世界上首例成功使用化学重编程多能干细胞(CiPSC)分化而来的胰岛细胞治疗1型糖尿病的案例。研究结果不仅证实了CiPSC-胰岛移植的安全性和有效性,也为未来更多患者的治疗提供了希望。未来的研究将进一步评估CiPSC-胰岛移植在更大样本量和更 ...
RxCell has announced a US patent for its induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-based cell therapy approach, a method of ...
Scientists have perfected the recipe to convert giant panda skin cells into stem cells to study the animal’s biology and aid ...
Individuals who display exceptional longevity provide evidence that humans can live longer, healthier lives. Centenarians (greater than 100 years of age) provide a unique lens through which to study ...
PSC-derived cells and micro-physiological systems provide significant advancements in enhancing neuronal disease models, ...
For the first time, Chinese scientists have cultivated stem cells of giant pandas which is expected to offer materials for ...