choosing the right processor is the most crucial and complex choice you will make. Let's simplify it! Here's how to make sense of AMD's and Intel's lines, backed by dozens of our deep-dive reviews.
此外其还表示,在CEO帕特·基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)掌舵下,Intel不再专注于研发高性能CPU核心,而是将重心放在GPU方面,让CPU给AI处理器铺路。
The midrange Core i5-11600K is a six-core, 11th Gen CPU just fast enough to keep Intel's older "Rocket Lake" chips in the game for budget buyers, against tough AMD opposition and Intel's own ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@微博知乎含量百分百于09月17日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 ...
If you want to be a little more specific in your search, type into your chosen search engine, then leave a space and type in the processor model name. For example: i5 ...
The prices for Intel’s latest 14th-gen CPUs are dropping fast right now ... after upgrading from a Core i5 12400F, and that’s given my old system a massive speed boost. You will need to ...
Intel’s list of processors constantly grows, and its whole new naming scheme just got even more confusing. Today’s leaks imply that Intel might be working on another Raptor Lake refresh ...
凭借不输最新i5-14400F的游戏性能以及最低时不到900元的散片价格,在过去几个月i5-12600KF成为打造Intel中端游戏平台的首选CPU。不过在最近i5-12600KF的价格一路上涨,使其性价比受到了很大影响。小狮子觉得现在要组装新电脑, ...
While any computer can experience processor overheating, thankfully, most of the reasons why are easy to check for. These causes apply to Intel processors, but equally to those from AMD or any ...
这款金百达黑爵系列DDR4 3200MHz内存条,是Intel专用的台式机内存马甲条。默认工作频率为DDR4 3200MHz,电压为1.2V。其实际工作频率与CPU有关,使用酷睿i5-10400时,频率变为2666MHz;使用酷睿i7-10700时,频率变为2933MHz。此款内存条适用于Intel10、11、12代CPU及以后的DDR4 ...
这款Intel Arc A750显卡是兽人系列游戏显卡,具备出色的性能和稳定性。它采用了先进的双槽双风扇设计,能够有效散热并提升整体效能。此外,它还支持8GB GDDR6内存类型,让游戏运行更加流畅,同时保证了高分辨率图像的清晰度和细节表现力。 目前,这款显卡在 ...