Speaking ahead of the US Federal Reserve's much-anticipated September meeting, John Reade, senior market strategist at the ...
The Chinese helped drive the first leg of this gold bull run last spring, but they have been largely MIA in the recent run up ...
Blue Line Futures Chief Market Strategist Phil Streible said last week’s explosive rally could cause concern with traders ...
经济衰退趋势未改,地缘冲突局势延续,加之上周美联储宣布开启降息周期等因素,都使得黄金避险功能进一步彰显。虽然当前价格已处于历史极值,但市场仍普遍看多黄金中长期价格走势。分析人士认为,对于普通投资者而言,此时依然是“上车”时机,但需要做好风险管控,并尽 ...
Gold set another new record on Thursday as investors drool over the prospect of an interest rate cut next week. Read more ...
In commodities, precious and base metals such as copper should benefit from Fed rate cuts, and for the latter the demand ...
对于黄金,世界黄金协会高级市场策略师John ...
Gold rose to another record high, building on last Thursday’s surge of nearly 2% as traders added bullish wagers ahead of a ...
格隆汇9月26日|世界黄金协会高级市场策略师John ...
汇通财经APP讯——【世界黄金协会:金价目前的涨势似乎不太可能长期持续】9月26日讯,世界黄金协会高级市场策略师John Reade表示,随着地缘政治紧张局势的加剧,金价在2024年打破了多项纪录,但从长期来看,金价的涨幅可能会更加温和。黄金本质上是一种地缘政治矿产,今年发生的事件刺激了黄金冲破约30个历史高点。除此之外,利率下降也推高了金价,此外,各国央行增加了外汇储备,中国投资者也纷纷涌入(黄 ...