Tegyük hozzá, hogy 1853-ban Kertbeny Károly megkérte Mickiewiczet, hogy fordítsa le lengyelre Az apostol szerzőjének néhány versét. A költő, aki egyébként nem sokat fordított, és egyébként is több ...
Toldy Ferenc kiadása: A magyar költészet kézikönyve. I. kötet. Pest, 1855 Kertbeny Károly kiadása: Magyarország legrégibb drámairodalma. Budapest, 1878 (Kertbeny Károly előzőleg német fordításban is ...
Több kiváló író, művész vagy tudós is ezzel az adottsággal született. Például Oscar Wilde, Alan Turing, Kertbeny Károly (a homoszexuális terminológia megalkotója), Thaly Kálmán. Galgóczi Erzsébet ...
Former WBO super middleweight champion Karoly Balzsay was diagnosed with cancer in March of this year but after treatment he is now said to be ok - and not only that: he wants to comeback for a ...
Károly Palotai was captain of the victorious Hungarian football team at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. He was not only a famous footballer, but a referee and sports manager. His football career started with ...
Karoly Takacs was a member of the Hungarian pistol shooting team in 1938 when, while serving as a sergeant in the army, a defective grenade exploded in his right hand - his pistol hand -and shattered ...
A new study finds that climate extremes, like heatwaves and droughts, are impacting the food we get from crops. By understanding these effects we can better plan for climate change A potential Ebola ...
There was, perhaps, no more naturally talented shooter than Hungary's Karoly Takacs, yet he had to face some huge obstacles in his career. The first was military rank – despite being a provenly ...
Karoly Takacs was a member of the Hungarian pistol shooting team in 1938 when, while serving as a sergeant in the army, a defective grenade exploded in his right hand - his pistol hand -and shattered ...
Károly Palotai was captain of the victorious Hungarian football team at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. He was not only a famous footballer, but a referee and sports manager. His football career started with ...