Select your Utility Vehicle to get started. Insure your 2018 Kawasaki for just $75/year.* Savings: We offer low rates and plenty of discounts. More riding freedom: Your UTV is covered in and off your ...
Select your Utility Vehicle to get started. Insure your 2020 Kawasaki for just $75/year.* Savings: We offer low rates and plenty of discounts. More riding freedom: Your UTV is covered in and off your ...
the MULE has become a favorite among workers and off-roaders alike. Each subsequent model of Kawasaki's now-adored utility task vehicle has improved upon the last, with more power, stronger ...
The Kawasaki Mule lineup has grown and ... it again with the debut of its first new vehicle since Teryx and first entry into the competitive Sport Utility segment with the all-new Ridge and ...
The 2014 MY Kawasaki Mule 4010 Trans4x4 is a reliable transport, for both materials and passengers. Designed as a four-seat utility vehicle, its backseat can be folded down and the loading bed ...
The Mule 4010 4x4 side x side utility vehicle features a sure-footed four-wheel drive system and is loaded with great features to help you arrive and get things done on the toughest job sites.