Chadd Scott covers the intersection of art and travel. Keith Haring at work on the 'A Book Full of Fun' mural at Ernest Horn Elementary School, 1989. ... [+] Photographer unknown. Few artists are ...
伊能静与哈林的行为不仅为如何共同抚养孩子提供了可贵的参考,更让我们见识到名人背后的责任与担当。我们有理由相信,恩利的未来将会在这样 ...
「哈林」庾澄庆出道逾40年,对工作要求极高,对私生活也十分低调,过去常被认为属于「难搞类」,也有不少工作人员或媒体记者都领教过他的「 ...
《伊能静:“作”出的魅力人生》嘿,朋友们!今天咱们来聊聊伊能静这位女明星。好多人都说伊能静很作,可奇怪的是,人家愣是能得到哈林和秦 ...
The Kutztown Area Historical Society will host a dedication ceremony for a Pennsylvania historical marker commemorating iconic pop artist and Kutztown native Keith Haring on Oct. 11 at 1 p.m ...
Keith Haring was an American artist born in 1958 in Pennsylvania in the USA. He died in 1990. His work is known as pop art or street art. Keith's art often showed people and animals. He is well ...
lithograph in colours, on Arches wove paper, 1990, numbered in pencil with the Estate of Keith Haring inkstamp and signed by the executor Julia Gruen on the reverse, published by the World Federation ...
按照黑龙江省委、省政府工作部署,黑龙江省文化和旅游厅抢抓机遇,充分发挥黑龙江中俄开放合作牵头省和哈尔滨龙江旅游 ...
莫斯科(亚洲新闻) - 萨哈林岛是一片狭长而广阔的领土,该岛居住着正在经历严峻时期的当地少数民族。在诺格林斯克省的苔原,几个月以来,最 ...