Let’s discuss current prices for pet seahorses and explore ways you can ensure that they live a healthy and long life.
On its own, a baby seahorse has a lot to contend with. On average, if the population is stable, only two of the thousands of young that a pair produces will reach maturity. Life doesn't become ...
NOVA: Can you talk a little bit about how you got interested in seahorses and what sort of life you lead as a scientist? AV: I suppose I study seahorses for three reasons. Initially, I started ...
Male pregnancy is a rare phenomenon in the animal kingdom, with just three vertebrates exhibiting this behavior. The seahorse ...
Photographs of seahorses taken by scuba divers revealed evidence of a long-lost species of marine worm that hasn’t been seen ...
Seahorses have lost much of their fragile habitats to human activity, such a boat installations that drag anchors and cause ...