Pamir Plateau, located in the southeastern region of Tajikistan, is one of Central Asia's most majestic plateaus. Renowned ...
敦煌,这座充满神秘与古老气息的丝绸之路重镇,不仅以其壮丽的文化遗产闻名,更以丰富多样的美食吸引着八方来客。敦煌的美食融合了中原、西域和少数民族的饮食精髓,呈现出独特的地域风味。驴肉黄面的筋道爽滑、胡羊焖饼的浓郁香气、红柳烤肉的独特烧烤风味、碱面的筋道 ...
Subhinur Mutalip was born in Hotan City, China's Xinjiang. The 32-year-old Zumba instructor runs her gym in her hometown, where more and more local women are finding joy and rediscovering themselves ...
The Central Axis of Beijing, a 7.8-kilometer stretch through the city's heart, was recently designated a UNESCO World ...
Total assets of China's financial institutions rose to 480.64 trillion yuan (about 68.03 trillion US dollars) as of the end ...
时间:2024-09-20 17:13:40 来源 This photo taken on Sept 13, 2024 shows an experimental high-speed train ...
9月9日,2024出海高峰论坛在海丝陆丝交汇点厦门正式举行。经历了共计8个多小时密集交流后,与会的近千名企业家与10多位来自学界、企业界、海外的嘉宾一起,分享了关于中国企业出海的新见解与新体会。正如吴晓波老师所言,这一轮的出海与当年其他国家不同,是中国中小型企业甚至创业者密集出海,因此更需要握手成盟、抱团取暖,而本次论坛上的经验,希望能为企业家们出海耕作提供养分。本文选取整理了其中8位嘉宾的演讲精 ...
Wildfires that erupted Sunday are continuing to ravage central and northern Portugal while at least seven people have been ...
阿里亚斯和其他求职者可以证明,几年来炙手可热的美国劳动力市场已经开始降温。目前美国的就业市场处于一种不正常的状态:有工作的人基本上是安全的,因为目前裁员处于历史低点。但各公司放慢了招聘的节奏,找工作变得更加困难。上周五,美国政府将公布8月份的招聘人数 ...
Huangzhuang village, about 250 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing, is famous for its mooncakes, which Chinese people ...