最近黑神话悟空可谓是火得一塌糊涂,我也是第一时间就入手游玩,游戏中的boss战着实精彩华丽,当然也对操作要求很高,快速闪避、切换视角都需要迅速完成。而家中的办公鼠标,也确实难以跟上节奏,一款轻量化的游戏鼠标成了我的刚需,恰好碰上雷柏的新品VT1 ...
Take a look at the Meta Quest launch trailer for Fracked, a VR action-adventure game developed by nDreams. Players assume the role of a reluctant hero in relentless run-and-cover gunfights against ...
随着原相3950传感器的解禁, 一众国产厂商纷纷推出了搭载此款顶级传感器的产品, 拥有若干自主技术的雷柏特意为此传感器单独进行开模设计推出了VT1 PRO MAX游戏鼠标, 一起开箱一看: ▼VT1 PRO MAX ...
PSC-derived cells and micro-physiological systems provide significant advancements in enhancing neuronal disease models, ...