因为与彪马 (Puma) 的合作而红透日本的设计师三原康裕 (Mihara Yasuhiro) 是近年崛起得最快的日籍fashion designer之一。三原康裕 (Mihara Yasuhiro) 的设计涵盖 ...
在当今全球经济波诡云谲的背景下,金融市场的一丝风吹草动都足以引发蝴蝶效应。近期,美国半导体股市场的微妙变化吸引了全球投资者的目光,而日元作为避风港货币的角色再次被推到风口浪尖。瑞穗证券的策略师Masafumi Yamamoto与Masayoshi Mihara在其最新研究报告中,提出了一项引人深思的观点:若美国半导体股持续其下滑轨迹,一场由避险情绪驱动的日元买盘潮或将把美元兑日元汇率推向更低点。
2024年9月1日——作为国际奢侈品牌集合店的代表,VIA DANTE快闪店近日在杭州下沙奥特莱斯广场A141盛大揭幕。本次快闪活动为期两个月,将持续至2024年10月30日,杭城消费者呈现一场时尚奢华的盛宴,超值折扣、顶级品牌、限量商品等你来体验!
9月4日消息,瑞穗证券策略师Masafumi Yamamoto和Masayoshi Mihara在研报中表示,如果美国半导体股继续下跌,那么就会有日元买盘的风险,避险交易将推动美元兑日元进一步走低。(彭博) ...
Germany is to install missile defense systems on three new government jets that are used by senior leaders, the Spiegel news ...
Ross Mihara has lived and worked on both sides of the Pacific, and in-between. Born in Los Angeles, he grew up in Hawaii, where he was a television producer, reporter, and sports anchor.
"I am a believer that head to toe tells a story, and that in order to be in character, you need to feel it from the ground up ...
瑞穗证券策略师Masafumi Yamamoto和Masayoshi Mihara在研报中表示,如果美国半导体股继续下跌,那么就会有日元买盘的风险,避险交易将推动美元兑日元 ...
【8 月 21 日,瑞穗证券策略师称美债收益率和美元汇率下跌过度】瑞穗证券策略师 Masafumi Yamamoto 和 Masayoshi Mihara 表示,因美国低迷且美联储大幅降息 ...
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From footwear to handbags, these Spanish brands are showing new collections at Coterie and Designers & Agents.
Check out the new key visual released for the upcoming live-action TV drama series Wingman, based on the 1983 manga of the ...