Hacking conferences often feature a Capture the Flag, or CTF event. Typically, this is a software hacking challenge that involves breaking into targets which have been set up for the event, and c ...
[NatureTM] used part of the Thanksgiving holiday to get composite video output working with an MSP430 microcontroller. He’s using one of the chips that came with the TI Launchpad, which is a big ...
The chapter describes the central processing unit (CPU) of the MSP430 and its most closely associated modules, the clock generator and reset circuitry. The earlier parts of the chapter, which cover ...
在2024年的芯片市场,价格的天平发生了明显的倾斜。在诸多因素的作用下,一部分芯片价格扶摇直上,然而市场的另一面却呈现出截然不同的景象,有相当数量的芯片陷入价格倒挂局面。 德州仪器 (TI)的通用模拟芯片—电源管理IC TPS51200DRCR,在2021年3月份开始的那波涨价潮中开始暴涨,9月份达到高峰涨至70元后价格不断回落,2023年2月市场价回到常态价1元左右,此后价格一直稳定在2元上下。
新浪手机讯 11月13日上午消息,根据网传消息:在今年9月,360手机解散了其在西安的手机研发团队,员工可获N+1离职补偿。对此,360手机对外给出了答复,称“此次调整只是部分业务并入集团、主要是工作地点调整”。