XPEL’s paint protection films are engineered with cutting-edge polymer science. In case you’re not familiar with polymers, ...
While reading these words, spare a thought for the billions of molecules that must change their shape slightly in a collective manner so that you can flex your eye muscles. The dream of many ...
Even though proteins are considered macromolecules, they are too small to visualize, even with a microscope. So, scientists must use indirect methods to figure out what they look like and how they ...
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new solution to purify water. They have created a ...
Our research in the Laboratory of Structural Biology aims at understanding the structure and function of biological macromolecules and their complexes, such as those involved in cellular cargo ...
Researchers at ACS Central Science have developed a groundbreaking sugar-like polymer that effectively removes heavy metals ...
Water polluted with heavy metals can pose a threat when consumed by humans and aquatic life. Sugar-derived polymers from ...
EDT enables direct observation of biological macromolecules in solution, reducing artifacts resulting from measurement ...
Provision is made to include the broadest coverage of both practical and theoretical aspects of polymer science, taking advantage of the unique facilities at the University of Massachusetts Lowell in ...
DNA replication is a tricky process. At the heart of a cell nucleus is chromatin, a complex of macromolecules composed of double-stranded DNA and histone proteins, which DNA wraps around like a ...
Investment from BBSRC will secure a state-of-the-art, ultra-fast X-ray integrating detector for probing very fast processes ...
在此次排名中,小编发现有不少高校的学术水平都有了显著的提升,江南大学就是其中之一,从7月到9月,该校的 排名位次上升了11名 ,在国内200强高校中 位列第58名 ,成功跻身 前30%% 的行列,能取得这样的好成绩与该校雄厚的办学实力紧密相关。