Marvel has introduced a new take on Moon Knight, as new Marvel hero Kahhori makes her comic debut after first appearing in the MCU's What If...? animated series. The debut issue of Kahhori finds ...
What Is Marvel’s Battleworld in Secret Wars? The original 1984 Secret Wars crossover event was relatively straightforward. In this story, Marvel’s biggest heroes and villains were transported ...
Marvel fans already have some fan-favorite standout characters simply based on the marketing for What If…?, including Spider-Man in a Doctor Strange cape, and the entire reality where the Marvel ...
Wright has voiced the character the last two seasons. Earlier in 2024, we got a first look via some screenshots that were shared on Marvel’s Twitter page – and guess what? Sam Wilson’s ...
Marvel Studios has finally released the official What If…? Season 3 trailer for the upcoming final season of the hit Disney+ animated series. It is currently scheduled to start streaming on ...