Mobile Suit Gundam UC is the only animated Universal Century title to reference elements from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, such as Marida Cruz's backstory of being a Ple clone, as well as the mobile ...
A Gundam arcade successor to the Gundam Card Builder series of arcade games Advertisement A Gundam arcade successor to the Gundam Card Builder series of arcade games ...
Ryoji Sekinishi, who served as the setting Production Designer for Mobile Suit Gundam UC, is writing Silver Phantom's script.
Gundam is a popular mecha anime that has an overwhelming number of series, but thankfully this is the best list to begin your ...
A special documentary to commemorate MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE. This documentary is set to feature a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Gundam series and the development of U.C. ENGAGE.
The final chapter of the event "Mobile Suit Gundam UC Film & Live" held at Pacifico Yokohama in July 2014 comes out on Blu-ray. Features performance of music used in "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" by ...
Of the many stories, series, and projects to rise from the Mobile Suit: Gundam franchise, there has never been an entry quite like G Gundam. Rather than focusing on the war between the Earth ...
Mobile Suit Gundam: ALC Encounter will be screen at the LaLaport Fukuoka Mall exclusively, so mech fans are coming to terms with the limited release. What Is Mobile Suit Gundam: ALC Encounter About?
Its toy and retail business are huge, with the Gundam franchise generating over $600 million annually. The original franchise launched with 1979’s anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, and is ...
Requiem for Vengeance offers a front-seat experience to what is arguably the best depiction of war in the Gundam franchise ...