Mobile Suit Gundam UC is the only animated Universal Century title to reference elements from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, such as Marida Cruz's backstory of being a Ple clone, as well as the mobile ...
A Gundam arcade successor to the Gundam Card Builder series of arcade games Advertisement A Gundam arcade successor to the Gundam Card Builder series of arcade games ...
A special documentary to commemorate MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE. This documentary is set to feature a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Gundam series and the development of U.C. ENGAGE.
The final chapter of the event "Mobile Suit Gundam UC Film & Live" held at Pacifico Yokohama in July 2014 comes out on Blu-ray. Features performance of music used in "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" by ...
Of the many stories, series, and projects to rise from the Mobile Suit: Gundam franchise, there has never been an entry quite like G Gundam. Rather than focusing on the war between the Earth ...
Mobile Suit Gundam: ALC Encounter will be screen at the LaLaport Fukuoka Mall exclusively, so mech fans are coming to terms with the limited release. What Is Mobile Suit Gundam: ALC Encounter About?
Its toy and retail business are huge, with the Gundam franchise generating over $600 million annually. The original franchise launched with 1979’s anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, and is ...