继《海贼王》、《火影忍者》、《一拳超人》真人化后,最近又有传言指出人气漫画《死神 BLEACH》有望推出「美版」真人电影。 消息源自于爆料帐号 DanielRPK ,其声称 Warner Bros. 已着手开发真人版《死神 ...
继上周末发布「Creative Arts Emmys」之后,2024 美国电视界年度盛会第 76 届 艾美奖(Emmy Awards) 今番正式登场,无意外地 FX 两部人气作品《 幕府将军 》与《 熊家餐馆 》依旧是最大赢家。
Mexico had just recovered from a devastating earthquake, but the nation put on a great tournament, and Argentina, inspired by Diego Maradona, went on to justify their status as the favourite.
SBS承认全澳大利亚传统的拥有者。© 2024 SBS ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
Shanghai's Hongkou District launched a new nightlife promotion campaign at Ruihong Tiandi's Hall of the Moon on Thursday as ...