This week, Saga returns, a new Wonder Woman series begins, and Marvel introduces the Uncanny Spider-Man. Plus, The Forged returns with a new story arc, the creators of The Many Deaths of Laila ...
In honor of the latest movie, we have created the 7 best Deadpool comics list that you should definitely read. Ever since his first appearance in New Mutants #98 in 1991, Deadpool has entertained ...
If you're looking for new Batman comics, then you're in the right place! The Dark Knight is more than just a superhero – he is a true pop culture icon. Every month DC publishes new adventures ...
“Since we last spoke, I have made a lot of new comics, some new prints, and exhibited at the Small Press Expo. (One of my favorite expos!) I have also been teaching a sophomore illustration ...
At New York Comic-Con, Marvel confirmed a new hero will be debuting in "One Year In" — Ultimate Wolverine, who will spin-off ...
Jeff asked me about the things I like to draw and I remember sending him a list of the elements that I liked the most in the stories I had drawn [as well as] comic books, films, and books that I ...