A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg, Germany, and ...
The importance of disorder in physics is only matched by the difficulty to study it. For example, the remarkable properties of high-temperature superconductors are greatly affected by variations in ...
来源:【未来网】 近期,西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院多位青年教师在国际著名数学和统计学领域期刊上发表了多篇高质量的研究论文,这些论文的研究结果涵盖了偏微分方程、生物数学、运筹与控制、计量经济学等多个基础研究领域。
The weighted signals are then fed into a mathematical expression called an activation function, which introduces nonlinearities that help the network to learn. The training process involves the ...
Using terahertz pulse technology, researchers have found a way to examine disorder in superconductors close to their critical ...
Neural focuses on guitar amp and drive pedal capturing with its second piece of hardware – but does it get the recipe right?
There is a rapidly advancing literature on the macroeconomics of climate change. This review focuses on developments in the construction and solution of structural integrated assessment models (IAMs), ...
On International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Andy covers NI’s new USB-based multichannel data-acquisition instrument, the mioDAQ, ...
MIT researchers demonstrate a lightwave-electronic mixer at petahertz frequencies, paving the way for faster communication ...
This valuable work analyzes how specialized cells in the auditory cells, known as the octopus cells, can detect coincidences in their inputs at the submillisecond time scale. While previous work ...
In the first of a multi-part series on how to design a custom chip for under $1,000, our Analog Editor gets you started with ...