It’s normal to feel a bit surprised or even worried if you notice your urine looks darker when you go to the bathroom first thing in the morning. We often think of urine as being light yellow ...
This mix, which is about 95% water with other compounds, moves to the bladder and leaves the body as urine. Changes in urine colour, smell, or how often you go can sometimes show changes in your ...
Urine glucose is dependent on urine volume ... with starvation or states of high physiologic stress. It may be a normal finding in labor and evidence is limited as to whether it requires intervention.
Creatinine is a waste product from the normal breakdown of muscle tissue. As your body makes it, it's filtered through your kidneys and expelled in urine. Doctors use your creatinine levels to ...
BECAUSE of conflicting statements about the occurrence of bufotenin in the urine of schizophrenics and normal subjects 1–13 we have now developed a method which allows semi-quantitative ...
According to a study, the RNA (a type of genetic material) and other substances within urine can show changes in cell types, revealing early signs of cancer and other diseases. This method could ...