近日,中东冲突情势加剧,油价最近已攀升至每桶80美元以上,投资者可能越来越担心该冲突对石油供应的影响。施罗德投资能源基金经理Malcolm Melville表示,虽然OPEC拥有大量备用产能,但供应严重中断的风险正在增加,未来油价走势将取决于这两者之间的平衡。资深新兴市场经济师David Rees指出,油价突破每桶 100 ...
财联社10月17日讯(编辑 潇湘)尽管眼下中东地区“炮声隆隆”,当地的能源设施“风雨飘摇”,然而眼下众多石油市场的专业人士,却似乎普遍对明年原油市场的前景持有悲观看法。 这种悲观情绪源于一种信念,即2025年的石油供应量将进一步超过全球需求量,OPEC联盟以外的供应增长将在这其中发挥主要作用。 在本月发布的最新月报中,三大石油机构——IEA(国际能源署)、EIA(美国能源信息署)、OPEC(欧佩克 ...
EIA revised its most obvious flaw in its monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook. Discover the EIA's bearish oil price outlook and ...
【需求预期不断降低,OPEC 再度减产能否提振油价?】9 月 23 日消息,对 OPEC 来说,调整石油产量影响国际油价是重要手段,特别是 OPEC+的两大引领 ...
In its monthly report, OPEC said it cut its forecast for demand growth in 2024 by 106,000 barrels a day to 1.9 million barrels a day, or mbd. The organization cited "actual data received ...
FTSE wobbles as oil prices drop sharply following Opec outlook - The UK’s top stock market index was down 43.38 points, or ...
OPEC trimmed its forecasts for oil demand growth this year and next for a third consecutive month as the group belatedly recognizes a slowdown in global fuel use. Global oil consumption will ...
On Monday, OPEC in a monthly report said world oil demand will rise by 1.93 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2024, down from growth of 2.03 million bpd it expected last month.