进入12月,长沙浏阳河东岸的滨河路披上了新装,全长10公里的梧桐树由绿变黄,冷风中,金色、橙红、浅绿三色的梧桐叶翻飞舞动,为初冬的长沙增添了一份浪漫。长沙浏阳河大桥附近的滨河路上,三列东西纵横的梧桐树夹道而立,漫步树下,几片红叶随风飘落,仿佛走进了童 ...
CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the Chinese parasol trees (called ‘Wutong’ in Chinese) lining Yongning Road in Chayuan, Nan'an District, transformed the street into a living masterpiece. The leaves, ...
The tree that started the whole debate is the Habitat 6ft Half Parasol Christmas Tree. At £55, the half tree design is allegedly to keep baubles out of reach of curious children and mischievous pets.