2000 Le Jacq Communications, Inc. Cite this: Current Concepts of Pharmacotherapy in Hypertension: Doxazosin -- What Does the Future Hold For It? - Medscape - Jun 01, 2000.
2017年4月,广东药科大学附属第一医院在Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy(IF6.9002/二区)上在线发表题为 “miR-98 inhibits expression of TWIST to prevent ...
COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EIB: Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction; IβA: Inhaled β 2-agonist; ICS: Inhaled corticosteroid. Globally, the prevalence of asthma continues to ...
The MS in Pharmacometrics and Personalized Pharmacotherapy is a new and unique graduate program focused on advanced training in pharmacometric principles of advanced pharmacokinetics (study of ...
The PharmD/MS in Pharmacometrics and Personalized Pharmacotherapy is a new and unique graduate program focused on advanced training in pharmacometric principles of advanced pharmacokinetics (study of ...
由复旦大学上海医学院和上海器官移植重点实验室联合主办,复旦大学附属中山医院承办的 2024年亚洲器官移植研讨会(TSS)拟于2024年11月22-24日在中国上海举办。本次会议将邀请国内外著名器官移植及相关学科专家,就器官移植领域的热点和难点问题进行专题演讲与讨论。今天继续介绍两位大会委员会委员。
Researchers have found that odanacatib (ODN), a cathepsin K (CatK) inhibitor, is an effective and safe treatment option for ...
EMA’s human medicines committee elects Bruno Sepodes as new chair: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Friday, September 20, 2024, ...
A study led by Manuel Vázquez Carrera, group leader at the Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Networking Biomedical ...
A new review of existing studies pinpoints the most effective strategies that can help a person quit smoking. These include a ...
参考资料: [1]Charles V Clark, Brian Pentland, David J Ewing, Basil F Clarke; Decreased Skin Wrinkling in Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 1 May 1984; 7 (3): 224–227. [2]Kamran, H., ...
A study led by Manuel Vázquez Carrera, group leader at the Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Networking Biomedical ...