20 Hopkins et al41 examined whether aerobic exercise training in the second half of pregnancy might be associated with reduced fetal size via changes in the maternal insulin-like growth factor (IGF) ...
A deficit in the way the placenta expresses the gene for a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) appears linked to insulin resistance during pregnancy, researchers reported Tuesday ...
My primary interests are in the role of the IGF axis in relation to breast and prostate cancer. The IGF axis has been conserved throughout evolution to mediate the effects of nutrition on growth and ...
Professor Westwood graduated from The University of Manchester with a first class honours degree in Anatomical Sciences in 1991 and began her PhD studies, also at the University, on the role of the ...
Marsupial and placental mammals diverged from a common ancestor more than 100 million years ago, and have evolved independently ever since. The two groups have different modes of reproduction ...
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is one of the most important fora in the field of internet policy, hosted by the United Nations, where a wide range of stakeholders engage in dialogue on an equal ...
Professor Westwood graduated from The University of Manchester with a first class honours degree in Anatomical Sciences in 1991 and began her PhD studies, also at the University, on the role of the ...
Claire Perks completed her PhD from the University of Bristol in 1995, in which she studied ‘The Role of the IGF axis in the Ovary’ in relation to fertility. She then continued these studies as a ...