扎染古称“绞缬(xié)”,是中国古老的纺织品染色技艺,充满智慧的古人很早就开始使用植物染色。在自然界,有很多植物可以用作蓝色的染料,其中最有名的就是板蓝根,板蓝根的叶子经过发酵、氧化后,便形成了一种叫靛花的漂浮物,比蓝色的染液更鲜亮,正所谓“青出于 ...
Red 3, derived from petroleum, has been linked to cancer and behavioral problems, but is widely used by US food manufacturers ...
DIY natural plant hair dyes offer a healthier and more sustainable alternative to commercial hair dyes. Carrot juice, beet ...
While Tinctorium co-opts plant genes to make microbes make colour ... "For instance, polyester and cotton need different types of dyes and generally different types of machines to dye them.