To overcome this, plants have “plasmodesmata”—intercellular connections that bridge the cytoplasm of two cells together. Plasmodesmata is a tube linking one cell to another. Surrounding the ...
Plant and animal cells are both extremely important to the survival of millions of species and without them, life couldn’t ...
Grafting has long been a cornerstone in agriculture and forestry, allowing for the propagation of desirable plant traits and ...
If MP remains tightly bound, are microtubules themselves actually moving towards the plasmodesmata to deposit the MP RNA cargo? Do microtubules undergo treadmilling or a specialized version of ...
Specifically, her research group is interested in understanding how plant cells communicate through plasmodesmata, plant-unique intercellular communication channels. The Lee laboratory studies ...
Bock's observations of cell-to-cell transport pointed to the involvement of plasmodesmata. These intercellular plasma channels normally allow only the passage of small molecules, such as sugars ...
Santos, P., Plaszczyca, M., Pawlowski, K. Lignification of cell walls of infected cells in Casuarina glauca nodules that depend on symplastic sugar supply, is accompanied by reduction of plasmodesmata ...