Ponyo is a magically fantastical Japanese animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.This fantasy tale revolves around the life of Ponyo, a goldfish who comes to the seashore trapped in ...
A lifestyle magazine for the Hudson Valley and Catskills with the latest news on arts and cultural events, new restaurants, ...
Hayao Miyazaki’s animator’s desk and drawings—plus Quentin Tarantino’s original handwritten “Pulp Fiction” script—are among the new acquisitions.
O Museu da Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas, organização responsável pelo Oscar, recebeu doação de itens do Studio Ghibli.
Miyazaki allowed a single documentary filmmaker to shadow him at work, as he dreamed up characters and plot lines for what would become his 2008 blockbuster, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea." ...