Indifference was the world’s first reaction to Karl Marx’s magnum opus. In 1867, when the first volume of “Capital” was ...
A father who suddenly went missing. A mother with scars on her hands. A young girl whose dress was ripped. A boy killed as ...
In 2023, there was one deadly motorcycle crash on 2222, and in a similar location in 2019, University of Texas football ...
A new FTC report on how social media and streaming sites collect and monetize their hoards of user data doesn't really ...
A new brands and experiences company called Loud House Group has launched today with a founding leadership team that includes ...
吉利旗下主销中型轿车星瑞也就是Preface已经远销海外市场,俄罗斯地区当然也不例外,虽然在国内定价稍低一些,但在海外该车还是正经的主流中型轿车,对标丰田凯美瑞,起亚K5等车型。在外观方面,新车当然不会与国内市场销售的星瑞具体是星瑞L车型有明显的区别 ...
My hands shook as I texted my husband. I felt unmoored in my body, as if I’d awoken in a different house than the one where I ...
9月6日下午,超强台风“摩羯”在海南文昌沿海登陆,中心附近最大风力17级,影响程度堪比十年前“威马逊”,成为时隔10年又一严重影响海南的强台风。全省52万人受灾。文昌预计损失金额高达327亿元,海口市 PREFACE 编者按 2023年四季度,爱旭股份单季净利润暴亏-11.31亿元的消息曾一度轰动业内。今年一季度,爱旭股份的亏损却突然大幅收窄至不足1亿,扭亏为盈希望似乎大增,反转也似乎就近在眼前 ...
PREFACE 编者按 单晶硅是一种高纯度的硅晶体,具有优异的电学、热学和光学性能,因此成为半导体工业的基础材料,在集成电路、太阳能电池、光电二极管、传感器等多种高科技产品中都有着广泛应用 ...
本雅明在其著名的《摄影小史》中讨论了能够实现“对秘密的披露和对实情的建构”的摄影,它对抗的是那些自称为真实但实则虚伪的广告宣传和拼接的摄影,对此他引用了布莱希特对摄影的看法: ...
As part of the foreign affairs brand event "@Chongqing @World" organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing ...