近日,我校药学院杨友课题组在铜绿假单胞菌糖疫苗的创制研究中取得突破性进展,在美国化学会综合性旗舰期刊《中心科学》(ACS Central Science)在线发表了题为“A Semisynthetic Oligomannuronic ...
以前人们认为细菌太小,无法直接感知化学物质浓度的差异。然而,与几十年来公认的科学观点相反,一项新的研究表明,细菌实际上可以以前所未有的精度直接感知其细胞体长度上的化学环境。 今天发表在《自然微生物学》杂志上的这项研究是朝着开发创新治疗方法迈出的关键一步,这种治疗方法可以通过操纵细菌的运动来提高抗生素的疗效。
Pseudomonas is a genus of gram-negative bacteria. It belongs to the family Pseudomonadaceae and is in the class ...
In promising experiments, phage therapy forces bacteria into a no-win dilemma that lowers their defenses against drugs they’d ...
In its effort to play catch up after thousands of factory inspections were delayed during the coronavirus pandemic, the FDA ...
Healthcare facilities are particularly vulnerable to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), and biofilms that form in ...
The Belfast Trust says it has started a refurbishment and redecoration project, which it estimates could cost millions of ...
BiomX Inc. PHGE recently announced the presentation of data from its Phase 1b/2a study for BX004 — a fixed multi-phage ...
Copper is an essential enzyme cofactor in bacteria, but excess copper is highly toxic. Bacteria can cope with copper stress by increasing copper resistance and initiating chemorepellent response.
2018年8月20日,济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院妇产科的Jing Dong (第一作者) & Maoxiu Wang (第一作者) & Shujuan Yao (通讯作者 音译 姚淑娟)在Oncology Letters (中科院四区 IF=2 ...