据当地时间9月15日,泰国国王拉玛十世玛哈哇集拉隆功,出席了泰国最年长的王室成员普桑王子(Prince Pusan Svastivatana)的火葬仪式。
As in most cities, Busan’s nightlife scene is centred around its youth culture, so the following evening, I head to the north ...
声学超材料的最新进展利用了慢波效应,并有望通过更紧凑的设计降低低频噪音。其中值得注意的是能够产生声学黑洞(ABH)的设备,这种设备会不断减慢声波的速度,直到其速度达到零。另一种选择是声学彩虹捕获(RT),其中声波被限制在结构内的特定路径上,在不同位置 ...
Study results showed that the elderly are more vulnerable to high temperatures. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Traditional acoustic silencers require bulky designs to effectively mitigate low-frequency noise. In a new study, researchers from Korea designed a novel meta-silencer that uses resonators with coiled ...
成立于2016,是一家领先的移动机器人底盘制造商和无人系统解决方案提供商。公司拥有自主研发多模态轮式和履带式线控底盘技术,并获得多项国际认证。 松灵机器人为用户提供自动驾驶、移动抓取和导航定位等自研创新应用解决方案,助力不同行业的用户实现自动化。
秋季出游不仅能享受到自然美景,还可以感受舒适的气候。秋季的天气冷热适中,树叶会显现出迷人的暖色调。从韩国、中国、日本到泰国,我们为您精选了部分秋季旅游胜地,让您在舒适的气候中尽享自然美景。 中国,九寨沟国家公园 九寨沟国家公园已被列入联合国教科文组织自然遗产名录,以其独特的蓝色湖泊、瀑布和秋季灿烂多姿的秋叶等风景吸引着世界各地的游客。 日本,茨城 红色的细枝雾冰藜茨布满茨城县日立海滨公园的山腰,正 ...
Genetic modification in horticultural crops, particularly within the Cucurbitaceae family, is often hindered by complex ...
Perpetual American strangle options (PASOs) offer investors a method for minimizing risk during highly volatile market ...
Both Democrats and Republicans must avoid politicising the failed assassination attempts on Donald Trump, as the Nov 5 ...
The insights gained from this study show that stochastic volatility has significant influence on the pricing of perpetual ...