The sentencing of David Headley to 35 years in prison has angered many in India. Will it damage growing U.S.- India cooperation in other areas?
Shastra pooja is a clear indication that if need be, India will use its weaponry with full force, Defence Minister Rajnath ...
在过去的一年多时间里,GLP-1 类似物中的司美格鲁肽、利拉鲁肽等在全球减肥领域大放异彩,备受关注。与此同时,膳食补充剂行业有一款产品被消费者亲切地称作 “天然司美格鲁肽”,其市场展现出强劲的增长势头。
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Prashant Kishor's JSP names Lt. Gen. Krishna Singh as candidate for Tarari bypoll, emphasizing pride and military experience.
为什么飞机提前40分钟就停止值机了,飞机,值机,飞行,航班,配载员,旅客 ...
CHANDIGARH: Punjab Jails Minister S. Laljit Singh Bhullar has stressed the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
Former Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh expressed dissatisfaction with the central government's handling of the Manipur ...
Arikan, R (2021). Verifying rigor: analyzing qualitative research in international marketing. International Marketing Review (forthcoming) C. Harmeling P. Magnusson and Nitish Singh (2015), "Beyond ...
Prashant Kishor asserted that the candidature of Lt. Gen. SK Singh was a matter of pride for Tarari which had become ...