– 俄罗斯股市在星期四收高,其中矿业、石油和天然气和制造业等上涨的板块带领股指走高。 俄罗斯收盘时,俄罗斯MOEX Russia指数上涨0.47%。 俄罗斯MOEX Russia指数中表现最好的股票为GMK ...
俄罗斯MOEX Russia指数 中表现最好的股票为PIK Group (MCX: PIKK ),上涨1.05%(6.70点),收盘报价为643.10。同时,Surgutneftegas (Pref) (MCX: SNGS_p )上涨了0.40%(0 ...
Three people, including a pilot and two passengers, were killed in a helicopter crash in the Amur region of Russia's Far East ...
Russia has revoked the accreditation of 6 British diplomats, accusing them of spying. The announcement was made on the day ...
The Russian military will dispatch naval and air forces in September to participate in drills in the waters and airspace of ...
Posticipata a data da destinarsi la missione in Russia del Fondo monetario internazionale: 9 Paesi hanno inviato una lettera ...
Gideon Rachman Hello and welcome to the Rachman Review. I’m Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs commentator of the ...
2025年俄罗斯新能源电动车及充电桩展E DRIVE 2025 ...
Matteo Salvini e Viktor Orban, nel loro incontro a Budapest, hanno espresso il bisogno di interrompere il conflitto in ...