An eight-metre sculpture of a “soft-toy-appearing kangaroo” should be sitting in Southbank, but costs have ballooned to more ...
Entitled Yesterday, the piece was first commissioned in 2018 during Sally Capp's tenure as lord mayor, when current Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece was deputy. But six years on the project has ballooned to ...
Grey Rabbit, a new lounge and art gallery concept, plans to open in early October at 700 Wealthy Street SE in Grand Rapids.
From September 20 to November 3, 2024, Shangri-La Guangzhou collaborates with contemporary artist Luo Jingjing to host an ...
Many people, now of a certain age, who grew up in a home where classical music and opera was a rarity on the playlist, ...
The World Culture Festival 2024, underway at the Arts Council of Pakistan in Karachi, presented illustrious Iranian ...
In the 1970s, so-called gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson was riding high in nearly every sense. His books Fear and ...
今年的IFA之所以叫“IFA100”,是因为到2024年IFA面世刚好一百周年。作为一个跨越百年的科技展会,IFA仍然是与CES(国际消费类电子产品展览会)、MWC(世界移动通信大会)比肩而立的三大科技展览会之一。IFA100年之际,正值AI大模型技 ...
The International Federation of Magic Societies is set to host its highly anticipated FISM Asia Championship of Magic from ...
An artist who goes by @tofu_rabbit on X says that the look of Nerf’s Ace of Spades handgun from Bungie's Destiny games came ...
早在四月份,就听闻ChatGPT开发商OpenAI正与前苹果设计总监Jony Ive合作开发一款硬件设备,而Ive的最新个人报道也证实了这一传言。 《纽约时报》在本周发表的一篇关于Ive的新报道中提到了这个项目的存在。报道称,去年在Airbnb首席执行官Brian Chesky的引荐下,Ive与OpenAI首席执行官奥特曼共进晚餐。 随后,两人制定了一项计划,要创造一种由生成式人工智能驱动的新型计 ...