Digitalization will make cooperation in global trade in services more open and inclusive, and help countries, especially ...
除组件企业外, 美国光伏 原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland Materials公司获得2.556亿美元 ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
At the FOCAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly promote ...
Mid-Autumn Festivals’ legend concerns Houyi,4saved the earth by shooting down nine of the suns. He once became a tyrant (暴君) and stole an elixir from a goddess, but his5(beauty) wife, Chang’e, drank ...
X的大部分员工多年来一直在旧金山工作,该公司的前身是推特(Twitter),其全球总部也设在旧金山。随着该办公室本月即将关闭,员工们被分散到湾区的另外两个地点——圣何塞的一个较小的办公室和帕洛阿尔托的一个共享空间,马斯克旗下的人工智能初创公司 ...
In the wake of severe challenges the world is facing today, countries should work together to strengthen policy communication ...
文章《New Era in Women’s Sports Fueled by Decades of Women Donors/数十年来女性捐赠人的支持推动了女子体育的新时代》发布在慈善纪事报上,作者是Sara ...
Global money is pouring into Southeast Asian stocks amid the Fed's policy shift. Overseas investments have now been flowing ...
Former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler received a special gift from China. According to the Ministry of Foreign ...
2024年9月8日,“2024年国际投资论坛”在福建省厦门市举行,中投公司会同中金公司承办其中的“融合创新、智启未来”主题论坛(以下简称“主题论坛”)。2024年国际投资论坛由福建省人民政府、厦门市人民政府主办,与第24届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会同期举行。 商务部副部长兼国际贸易谈判副代表凌激在致辞中表示,人工智能是新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要驱动力量,中国人工智能市场规模大、应用场景多、产业发展 ...