根据最新发布的Patriot Polling调查,2024年美国总统大选近在咫尺,民主党候选人在多个重要州内领先。数据表明,在亚利桑那州,现任众议员加列戈(Democrat Gallego)得票率为51%,领先共和党候选人莱克(Republican Lake)3个百分点。宾夕法尼亚州的现任参议员凯西(Democrat Casey)也以50%的支持率微幅领先对手麦科米克(Republican ...
Republican US Senator John Thune (R-SD), who was elected to become the next Senate Majority Leader, looks on after a US ...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Multiple U.S. media outlets projected Wednesday that Republicans will win enough seats to ...
Oh, flood the zone. The phrase itself is originally an American football jargon. Literally, it means putting a lot of people to defend a particular area. The idea is simple. If you put enough people ...