In The Edge of Sentience, he develops a framework for protecting entities that might possess sentience — that is, a capacity for feeling good or bad. Moral philosophers and religions might ...
Can artificial intelligence (AI) feel distress? Do lobsters suffer in a pot as it reaches a boil? Can a 12-week-old fetus feel pain? Ignore these questions and we potentially sanction a quiet, ...
While several companies are working to develop AGI, ASI Alliance founder Ben Goertzel says that its system is becoming ...
After joining Cyclops' new X-Men roster, Juggernaut explains his new costume and what the red 'X' means to both him and his ...
This is an example of something unexpected that this algorithm had not had a chance to memorize or skate past or hide this ...
AI’s language can intrigue, but mistaking its patterns for deeper wisdom blurs the line between thoughtful insight and mere ...
With the help of experts, Techopedia explains why we should stop pretending that chatbots are artificial intelligence.
DeGeneres vowed to 'talk about it' in 'For Your Approval,' her farewell to stand-up. But she has nothing of value to say ...
The median is often compared with other descriptive statistics such as the mean which means average, mode, and standard deviation. The median is the middle number in a sorted list of numbers and ...
Sentient Brands Holdings Inc ... This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, that ...