Having been referenced in Revenge of the Sith as the powerful Sith master of Darth Sidious himself, the origins of Palpatine's teacher and his legendary abilities have largely been left a mystery ...
Force Ghosts have been in Star Wars since the beginning, but how are they different to Sith spirits? The answer reveals the ...
And it's in this detail that the comic does some heavy lifting in explaining Palpatine’s return. One of the Acolytes tells Luke, “We serve the Sith, Skywalker. We serve Palpatine and Vader.
Only time will tell if this rumor comes to fruition, but Samuel L. Jackson's ongoing passion for his signature Star Wars ...
Joining other Star Wars icons - like Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka - Sith apprentice Savage Opress joins the Clone Wars line of ...
This is quite literally the entire plot of the prequels. If the guy didn’t know Palpatine was a Sith lord, why should we trust his so-called knowledge of the status of the Sith for the last ...
Disney must introduce a live-action version of Knights of the Old Republic to appreciate the history that led to the Star ...
Samuel L. Jackson has always claimed that Mace Windu is still alive and kicking, and we're now hearing that the Jedi Master ...