In a groundbreaking experiment, researchers have brought a mouse to life with the help of a single-celled organism that ...
Scientists have successfully used human stem cells to patch a hole in a monkey's retina, restoring the primate's vision and ...
To create the patch, researchers used electrospinning, which is a method where high voltage is applied to a polymer solution ...
Preliminary work by Farmer and Wang proved that prenatal surgery combined with human placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells, held in place with a biomaterial scaffold to form a “patch,” helped ...
By combining flexible electronics and induced pluripotent stem cells into a single device, the researchers were able to develop a high resolution neural interface that can selectively bind to ...
Scientists have fixed a hole in a monkey's retina with a patch derived from human stem cells. This feat — described in a ...
A "pumping" patch containing millions of living, beating stem cells could help repair the damage caused by a heart attack, according to researchers. Sewn on to the heart, the 3cm (1in) by 2cm ...
Cells from a human embryo were grown into a patch that was delicately inserted into the back of the eye. Douglas, who is from London, developed severe age-related macular degeneration in his right ...
Heart muscle cells grown from stem cells show promise in monkeys with a heart problem that typically results from a heart defect sometimes present at birth in humans, according to new research ...