中国的经济刺激计划引发了包括汇丰控股和贝莱德在内的华尔街重量级企业一连串的评级上调。人们越来越预期,一度低迷的股市终于迎来了转机。 沪深300指数 已从9月份触及的低点上涨27%,交易员将密切关注它在假期后周二重新开市时是否会继续上涨。
中国内地股市将于周二国庆长假后开盘,市场关注能否延续节前涨势。高盛将中国股票评级上调至超配,预计基准估值将进一步上升,得益于中国政府采取“果断的政策措施”而带来的估值改善。花旗亦将中国消费股与房地产股评级上调。 根据高盛周六发送的一份点评,Tim Moe等分析师预测,在近期强劲反弹之后,中国股市还有15%至20%的上涨空间,因估值仍低于中值区间,盈利增长可能改善,且仓位较轻。 高盛将MSCI中国指 ...
December S&P 500 E-Mini futures (ESZ24) are up +0.36%, andDecember Nasdaq 100 E-Mini futures (NQZ24) are up +0.40% this ...
Moe Rock, who was recently named one of the top 50 most influential people in news media by MSN, aims to leverage San Diego ...
Chinese brokerages expand bank-securities transfer window in line with Shanghai Stock Exchange's extension to streamline post-holiday trading Chinese brokerages are extending the window for ...
The world-beating rally in Chinese stocks is failing to convince many global fund managers and strategists.Most Read from ...
在2024腾讯全球数字生态大会上,腾讯正式发布新一代大模型——腾讯混元Turbo。该模型采用MoE架构,比上一代产品推理效率提升100%,推理成本降低50%。对外,腾讯混元Turbo的价格也比混元Pro降低50%,输出价格为0.05元/千tokens,输入价格为0.015元/千tokens。(21世纪经济报道) ...
"We're going with a one-two punch, with the class action proceeding in New York and the derivative proceeding here in Miami," ...
Gauges tracking the nation's equities may rise another 15 per cent-20 per cent if authorities deliver on policy measures, ...
Night One For those in the know, The Mishawaka is an unparalleled mountain music experience nestled against the banks of the ...
9月5日至6日,为期两天的“2024年腾讯全球数字生态大会”落下帷幕。这场聚焦数字时代浪潮的行业大会,吸引了无数全球从业者的参与,共同探讨数智化时代下的产业机遇。其中,围绕AI、大模型等商业应用的落地仍然引发关注。腾讯集团相关负责人相继分享了腾讯云在该领域的布局和思考。 腾讯集团高级执行副总裁、云与智慧产业事业群CEO汤道生表示,当下很多企业面临内外部多重挑战,甚至陷入“内卷式竞争”,但如果蛋糕不 ...