[68,69] Doxycycline (a tetracycline) was shown to inhibit superantigen-induced T-cell proliferation and cytokine and chemokine production by PMN cells in vitro. [70] Therefore, these antibiotics ...
It is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition caused mostly by superantigen producing Staphylococcus aureus. They present with high grade fever, rashes, hypotension, desquamation ...
The role of superantigen triggers (for example, toxins of microbial origin) in T-cell activation has been suggested as an etiology in psoriasis (Safayhi, Sabieraj, Sailer, & Ammon, 1994).
NeXstar later purchased Supragen for its T-cell and superantigen technology. NeXstar had difficulty in optimizing the value of its four different platforms—liposomes, chemistry, T-cell based ...
“Our approach mimics the natural, non-antigenic mechanism of TCR activation, much akin to bacterial superantigen-induced TCR activation.” Activation via TCR Vβ solves the current IO ...