Per TV series creator Eric Kripke, the show will be a murder mystery surrounding the origins of Vought, the mega-company that controls the supe industry in the world of The Boys. Stormfront ...
The Boys' Vought Rising spinoff series may confirm that Stormfront is Homelander's mother, adding a dark twist to his origins. Soldier Boy is confirmed as Homelander's father, but Stormfront's ...
starring Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles) and Stormfront (Aya Cash). The Boys season 4 has revealed Web Weaver, their version of Spider-Man. One of the Seven is working on the side of the angels in The ...
With "The Boys," do you ever find that you're too confined ... [laughs] In the finale, Homelander says that Stormfront is being held in some facility. Is that a lie to cover up that she's dead?