Jack Frost is a 1997 American horror comedy film. Despite being critically panned, the film has developed a cult following for its comical death scenes and cheesy special effects, and in 2000 was ...
In this charming fantasy, a musician named Jack Frost (Michael Keaton) regrets missing many of the big events in his son's life. When Jack is killed in an accident, his spirit takes up residence ...
Most iterations of Jack Frost see him clad in icy blue and white, and as well as being responsible for nose-nipping, he’s ...
Jack Frost is a 1997 American horror comedy film. Despite being critically panned, the film has developed a cult following for its comical death scenes and cheesy special effects, and in 2000 was ...
We all know how the classic song goes. “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire / Jack Frost nipping at your nose / So much to ...
In the holiday family favorite ‘Jack Frost,’ as a touring musician clinging to dreams of stardom, aging rocker Jack Frost never had much time for his wife, Gabby, and young son, Charlie. A year ...