Analysis The Witches have conjured up three ghostly visions that make ambiguous predictions. Macbeth is told that he need not fear anything ('take no care who chafes, who frets, or where ...
Or Shakespeare’s trio of witches in Macbeth, cackling around a bubbling cauldron plotting their next bout of fun. Let us revisit some of fiction’s most infamous witches – the unjustly maligned, the ...
Just so tenderly, just so subtly do the witches work their magic upon him, Macbeth disappears further and further down the path to destruction and despair - the great and blinding difference being ...
Whitney White is back in New Haven, as an actor rather than a director this time. The last time she was here, the Chicago-rooted multi-threat theater artist was directing “An Iliad” at Long Wharf ...
Macbeth – Photo: Scott Suchman Corner and ... Verdi gave a special place to the chorus in this interpretation, turning the three witches into a dramatic choral force, and the company’s women ...